Sunday, January 8, 2012

SAT Stresses

As senior year comes around to the second semester I was having fun! But then... I found that it's getting close to the stop date to apply for UNR and I need to submit my SAT scores.... which I haven't taken yet. Yeah I have two weeks to study for this P.O.S. joke of a test. I have a book from my college counselor and I just got 4 right out of 17. Pathetic right? Well I have weeks to stress about it then they will be over then I can show my college how lame and stupid I am yay! Nah I'm trying to stay positive but it's been hard. I just have to do the tutoring which I really don't want to do and just live through it WITHOUT throwing my fitness out the door with comfort food.
Speaking of fitness it is the second week in the NYWL Challenge! I have a weigh in tomorrow morning I believe, another update is that I haven't gained anything except for like .5 lbs which is cool. I think I weighed in over the break cause I don't remember weighing in at 214lbs.... so that's weird but not as bad as some gains.
I've been eating well for the past few days which I'm really proud of. I haven't fallen. We went to Taco Tree and I ordered two quesadillas like I shouldn't have BUT I waited and ate it today and not all at once. I've stayed hydrated and I've been doing some light work outs over the week. Life other than the whole SAT drama has been okay. I have to go back to school next week BLAH! But it's the last semester of my last year of high school! OhEmGee!! It's so crazy. We're going to tour UNR in March which is really exciting!!
That's all for now I guess. I'll update my video diaries later today or tomorrow morning!

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